Thursday, July 4, 2013

Some Wednesday Lifting

I get a lot of questions about how I train for bobsled. Most people have seen Cool Runnings where the athletes just push wheeled carts down grassy hills all summer and then go to the Olympics. While I wish I could say that was true, it's not really like that. We actually train just like a 100m sprinter would except with slightly more weight training. That means lots of speed sessions at the track (pulling sleds and running sprints) and lots of heavy weightlifting in the weight room (squats and cleans).

Here's a quick look at my typical Wednesday lifting:

First things first, Heavy Power Cleans. A power clean is where you lift the bar from the floor to your shoulders in one quick motion like below.

After power clean I'll do some additional heavy back work like RDL (Romanian Deadlift). A deadlift is where you lift the bar from the floor to your waist. RDL is a variation of the deadlift that works the hamstrings and gluts harder, which in turn helps us push faster.

At the end of the workout I'll usually finish up with some lighter accessory work for the back and legs like pull ups, good mornings, or weighted hip extensions. Pretty straight forward right? I'll post other training videos as I get them so you can see what the other training sessions look like.

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